Music review: Belkètre - Ambre Zuèrkl Vuorhdrévarvtre (1996)

NB: I am speaking about the bootleg only, and specifically the Tragic Empire version, with an extra dose of static noise.
Next in line, one of the rawest black metal albums in my collection. The sonic equivalent of JPEG quality 10. Love it.
The instruments basically all merge into a formless (but strangely groovy; the drumming is incredibly inspired) background evil soup upon which the hateful, shrill rasping can stand. Punctuated by Lovecraftian guitar leads that make Ved Buens Ende sound like ABBA.
The result is just out of this world. Evil, inhuman but evocative, like a demented impressionist painting you can't look away from.
Slightly unequal, though. I'd remove Brearmdreb without a second thought and maybe Verhzleyavbtreleambreb too. Would have been a 10/10 if these had been replaced by Guilty.