World Playground

Speeding up cljqalbum

Part 2 of my cljq adventures, this time around one of my end-user applications: the music (album) query tools I use with rymscrap.

To make it short, everything went fine, I was able to enact my migration simply by swapping the command called via find -exec {} ; and get that:

$ jqalbum   'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'
/home/user/Music/Acid Bath/(1994) When the Kite String Pops/album.json
/home/user/Music/Acid Bath/(1996) Paegan Terrorism Tactics/album.json
$ cljqalbum '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
/home/user/Music/Acid Bath/(1994) When the Kite String Pops/album.json
/home/user/Music/Acid Bath/(1996) Paegan Terrorism Tactics/album.json

But as for the performance…

$ jq --version; sbcl --version
SBCL 2.5.2
$ hyperfine 'jqalbum '\''has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'\''' \
            'cljqalbum '\''(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'\'''
Benchmark 1: jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'
  Time (mean ± σ):      3.531 s ±  0.028 s    [User: 1.949 s, System: 1.573 s]
  Range (min … max):    3.490 s …  3.570 s    10 runs

Benchmark 2: cljqalbum '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
  Time (mean ± σ):      8.373 s ±  0.055 s    [User: 3.444 s, System: 4.973 s]
  Range (min … max):    8.302 s …  8.456 s    10 runs

  jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000' ran
    2.37 ± 0.02 times faster than cljqalbum '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'

Unacceptable. But I don't cry uncle this easily so I started to investigate the two suspects that immediately came to mind:

  1. Simply the cost of launching SBCL, loading Quicklisp, ASDF/UIOP, reloading the FASL, etc…
  2. Possibly those simple query functions' implementation (album.jq vs album.lisp), as I know cl-ppcre - the de facto standard CL regexp lib - can be a tad slow. Nothing I can do about it without ditching regexps, and that'd be both painful and unfair in the context of benchmarking.

So I decided to at least solve the first one and do everything inside a single Lisp process. Didn't even have to re-implement find, as uiop:launch-program gives me popen-like process spawning.

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(require "asdf")
(asdf:load-system "q3cpma-json-utils")
(ql:quickload '("com.inuoe.jzon" "cl-ppcre" "iterate") :silent t)

(defpackage #:cljqalbum (:use #:cl #:iterate) (:export #:toplevel))
(in-package #:cljqalbum)

(defmacro ?  (json &rest path) `(q3cpma-json:query ,json ',path))
(defmacro ?1 (json &rest path) `(car (q3cpma-json:query ,json ',path)))
(defparameter $ nil)

(load (merge-pathnames "album" *load-truename*))

(defun toplevel ()
  (destructuring-bind (form-str &optional (dir (uiop:native-namestring
                                                (merge-pathnames "Music/" (user-homedir-pathname)))))
    (let ((find-process (uiop:launch-program `("find" "-L" ,dir "-type" "f" "-name" "album.json")
                                             :output :stream))
          (form-fun (let ((*package* (find-package :cljqalbum)))
                      (compile nil `(lambda () ,(read-from-string form-str))))))
      (iter (for line = (read-line (uiop:process-info-output find-process) nil nil))
        (while line)
        (let (($ (com.inuoe.jzon:parse (uiop:parse-native-namestring line))))
          (when (funcall form-fun)
            (write-line line)))))))

Let's see the result with both SBCL and Clozure CL:

$ hyperfine 'jqalbum '\''has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'\''' \
            'sbcl … '\''(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'\''' \
            'ccl  … '\''(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'\'''
Benchmark 1: jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'
  Time (mean ± σ):      3.530 s ±  0.027 s    [User: 1.923 s, System: 1.597 s]
  Range (min … max):    3.474 s …  3.560 s    10 runs

Benchmark 2: sbcl … '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
  Time (mean ± σ):     396.8 ms ±   2.9 ms    [User: 327.8 ms, System: 94.0 ms]
  Range (min … max):   393.4 ms … 402.4 ms    10 runs

Benchmark 3: ccl  … '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
  Time (mean ± σ):      1.298 s ±  0.006 s    [User: 1.243 s, System: 0.082 s]
  Range (min … max):    1.292 s …  1.308 s    10 runs

  sbcl … '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))' ran
    3.27 ± 0.03 times faster than ccl … '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
    8.90 ± 0.09 times faster than jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'

Alright, already crushing jq by a x9 factor! Now I'm kind of obligated to go all in and try with "executable images" (fat bundling of the runtime with a dumped image; around 40 MB):

$ sbcl --no-userinit --load ~/.local/lib/quicklisp/setup.lisp --script cljq/make-cljqalbum.lisp cljqalbum.sbcl
$ ccl --no-init --load ~/.local/lib/quicklisp/setup.lisp --load cljq/make-cljqalbum.lisp --eval '(uiop:quit)' -- cljqalbum.ccl
$ hyperfine 'jqalbum '\''has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'\''' \
            'cljqalbum.sbcl '\''(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'\''' \
            'cljqalbum.ccl  '\''(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'\'''
Benchmark 1: jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'
  Time (mean ± σ):      3.541 s ±  0.041 s    [User: 1.957 s, System: 1.574 s]
  Range (min … max):    3.480 s …  3.618 s    10 runs

Benchmark 2: cljqalbum.sbcl '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
  Time (mean ± σ):      57.9 ms ±   1.5 ms    [User: 41.5 ms, System: 41.5 ms]
  Range (min … max):    55.4 ms …  62.8 ms    50 runs

Benchmark 3: cljqalbum.ccl  '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
  Time (mean ± σ):     176.8 ms ±   2.7 ms    [User: 151.0 ms, System: 51.7 ms]
  Range (min … max):   174.2 ms … 183.3 ms    16 runs

  cljqalbum.sbcl '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))' ran
    3.06 ± 0.09 times faster than cljqalbum.ccl  '(and (has-genre "Sludge Metal") (< year 2000))'
   61.18 ± 1.71 times faster than jqalbum 'has_genre("Sludge Metal") and year < 2000'

jq is now thoroughly steamrolled, not merely crushed. Mission accomplished. For the second performance point, I could try to replace cl-ppcre with the experimental one-more-re-nightmare, but I'm not super confident about the potential wins (and it doesn't have full POSIX ERE support yet).