World Playground

Pruning Portage package config files

Today brought two changes to my Gentoo environment, one of which may benefit others: I ditched eix and its convenience to rely solely on the official tools (portage-utils and gentoolkit) and wrote a script to remove stale entries from my package.* config files (cf the wiki).

Here is the script in question: portage_pkgconf_gc

Like me, you'll probably always want to check the dry run (-r) output before applying anything, like so:

$ map 'portage_pkgconf_gc -r "$it"' /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/*
--- /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/gentoo 2025-03-15 15:46:41.211484822 +0100
+++ -   2025-03-16 01:50:12.776947774 +0100
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@

 # (dependency required by "media-plugins/vs-denoise-2.4.0::vapoursynth" [ebuild])
 # (dependency required by "media-plugins/vs-mlrt-13.1::vapoursynth[ncnn]" [ebuild])

 =app-editors/emacs-30.1::gentoo ~amd64
 app-misc/radeontop::gentoo ~amd64
-app-text/zeal::gentoo ~amd64
 dev-lisp/clozurecl::gentoo ~amd64
 dev-lisp/sbcl::gentoo ~amd64
 dev-util/clinfo::gentoo ~amd64
--- /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/local  2025-03-01 16:35:20.911986859 +0100
+++ -   2025-03-16 01:50:13.052925105 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # -*- mode: conf-unix; -*-
 app-crypt/tomb::local ~amd64
 dev-python/pyvips::local ~amd64
-games-emulation/rpcs3::local **
 games-fps/quake3e::local ~amd64
 games-fps/raze::local ~amd64
 games-fps/warsow::local ~amd64
@@ -13,8 +12,6 @@
        dev-libs/dht::local ~amd64
        dev-libs/libb64::local ~amd64
        net-libs/libutp::local ~amd64
-www-client/nyxt::local ~amd64
-       sys-libs/libfixposix::local ~amd64
 x11-misc/lemonbar::local ~amd64

 x11-wm/bspwm::local **
$ map 'portage_pkgconf_gc "$it"' /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/*

Working fine here! Only tested on my own files, so caveat emptor