The website
Raison d'être §
This website exists for a few reasons, others than those listed in the landing page:
- I wanted to make a generator in Common Lisp during my vacations (I had a very crude one in sh a long time ago) so I did.
- I dislike the modern Web full of Jabbascript, so I thought I'd explore the limits of static HTML5/CSS3. I'm not fully there on that point, but still pretty proud of the file explorer sidebar thingy.
- Like a lot of millennials, I still remember a web that wasn't exclusively a one-way street carrying lackluster content from corporations and "actors" to clueless consumers. So I consider it a pretty important mission to do what I can to help, even if it's just a little blog full of nothing.
Design choices §
Some of you probably recognized the homage immediately. For those who didn't, here it is:

I really love the funky but still very practical designs of the 80s and 90s, including other Motif creations (MWM, IRIX's Interactive Desktop), NeXTSTEP, Mac OS 9 and even OS/2 Warp or Win 9x!
Well, I realized in a flash of genius that most music artists already rake their brain to find cool album and track titles, so I told myself: why not just do my shopping here?
Which is how I ended up with something from Thorns' self-titled. Here are the other candidates I had in mind, try to guess a few of the albums if you know your (mostly extreme metal) classics:
- diSEMBOWELMENT - (1993) Transcendence into the Peripheral
- Dead Can Dance - (1985) Spleen and Ideal
- Belenos - (2001) Errances Oniriques
- Godflesh - (1989) Streetcleaner
- Rotting Christ - (1994) Non Serviam
- Thee Maldoror Kollective - (2002) New Era Viral Order
- electric-café.fr and Kraftwerk - (1986) Electric Café
- Dødheimsgard - (2007) Supervillain Outcast; really liked the sound of this one, but I ruled out sketchy TLDs like .club from the start…